
Market Insights

MarketPlace gather and analyse property market information to ensure project decisions are suitably informed. Our research is tailored to client’s specific needs. We’re not about providing vast amounts of statistical data, rather we seek a level of grit or intimacy in the knowledge we uncover. Meaningful findings give our clients decision making confidence.

We seek answers to questions that influence design and inform a range of project deliberations:

  • Who will the buyers be?

  • Who will they compare us to?

  • What do they value?

  • What products do we need provide?

  • How much will buyers be prepared to pay?

MarketPlace are not fortune tellers. We simply seek the right information from the right sources to put our clients in a position of strength in terms of meeting the market and minimising risk. Most often we’re the sole provider and deliver a full research brief. On occasions clients have particular internal capability or have sourced select information elsewhere.

Sometimes we just fill specific knowledge gaps or seek to source information others haven’t been able to obtain. We’re engaged at different times throughout a project’s life. Upfront research ahead of the project definition phase is most common, sometimes even earlier to inform acquisition. Many clients engaged MarketPlace mid-stream seeking the latest market information to improve active projects next stages. We’re flexible and versatile.

Discrete market research collected at critical times has helped to alter the direction of projects, capitalise on unmet markets and ultimately increase financial returns. Quantitative research ensures critical data and necessary facts are available. Qualitative methods allow MarketPlace to source richer insights and reveal valuable market nuance.

Our approach is highly regarded, evident in repeat business over many years from developer clients.

Product Direction

Not content to provide just raw research and information, MarketPlace take our market insights to the next level. We deeply analyse then put forward answers to key questions. What does the research mean? What are the project implications? What should (and shouldn’t) the project deliver?

Our project direction component seeks to join-the-dots. Guidance is provided across a range of themes, representing MarketPlace’s interpretation of the research and conversion to tangible opportunities and actions.

Project decisions are ultimately made by clients balancing a range of factors, however by providing our views around potential, risks and the like, developers become better placed having confidence in our advice.

Project guidance varies depending on development types and need, however the key areas of Purchaser + Product + Price alignment are typically addressed. Specifics may relate to product types / sizes / weighting / distribution / staging / release / packaging / emerging – innovation, as well as project positioning, precincts, partners, priorities, etc.